Very nice essay. Your observation about freedom is right on the money. As a shrink I am amazed to hear folks so often say, ‘I have to this, I have to that.’ They are not free. Sometimes I have them stand up and entertain the idea of just walking out of our meeting to taste freedom. A few folks have giggled and done it. Yay! BTW you may know, psychotherapists today rarely dig deep. My new stack will walk people through good old fashioned Home Cooked Psychoanalysis. We dig deep, all the way back to birth. I leave the rest to the metaphysicians. ;) https://homecookedanalysis.substack.com/

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A good read and well-written, Alex. And you highlight a key issue re the alternative support structures that are not yet robust enough to build new systems that are rooted in different principles. Many leave corporate perhaps expecting to maintain a certain lifestyle. I no longer believe that is possible. Luxury well-ness retreats are spiritual consumerism and there is a lot of "eco" consumerism as well. I could write for days about this but any new system needs everyone, bottom-up, and I like a few concepts like neo-bucolic, revillaging, cosmo-localism and sandboxing.

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